I won’t talk about the Queen reference anymore.
I’ve been working lately on a new package called {attempt}, which is an
attempt at making try catch and condition handling in R a little bit
friendlier. If you have some time to spare, I’ll be gla...
Ok, you’ve got the Queen reference by now.
I think I’ve never been that assiduous on my blog.
Note: this blogpost is inspired by a recent discussion on the {naniar} Github repo
Here’s the one million dollar question: how can we replace so...
Yes, this title is still a Queen reference.
I’ve recently been exchanging DM with Rémi (who writes cool stuffs about data science and SEO on his blog, so here’s some Google Juice for him) who was looking for a way to turn this kind of dataframe...
Yes, this title is a Queen reference.
Yesterday, I presented a talk called “Le Text Mining expliqué à ma grand-mère” at the Breizh Data Club Meetup. As the title suggests (“Text Mining explained to my Grand Mother”), this talk was about explain...
Back from Budapest!
This week, I had the chance to travel to Budapest to talk about R (obviously), dataviz, networks and text mining at the BudapestBI conference, and during the Budapest Users of R Network meetup.
If you weren’t there, or if y...
See you next week in Budapest!
Next week, I have the pleasure to travel to Budapest to talk about R at the Budapest BI conference 2018 and at the Budapest Users of R Network.
Visualising text data with ggplot2
Budapest R Meetup...
Some arguments in favor of {rtweet}, an amazing package by Michael W. Kearney.
Note: this post has been update after recent changes of {rtweet} and {tidytext}. Check this post for more info.
For what I remember, I have been scraping web da...
{proustr} 0.2.0 just hit the CRAN yesterday. Here’s the new stuffs just waiting for you.
About {proustr}
This package is designed to give you access to tools for Natural Language Processing in French, and (most importantly) to texts from Mar...
Cette semaine, j’interviens sur la question de la dataviz à la Nantes Digital Week : mardi au Medialab Speedtraining, et mercredi à Datarama !
Des données brutes à la dataviz
MediaLab Speedtraining
Retour d’experience, conseil...
Compute string distance the tidy way. A package built on top of the {stringdist} package.
Why tidystringdist
I’ve lately been playing with string distance for my blog post about Game of Thrones Characters. The {stringdist} package is dope, yet i...