{dockerfiler} is a package that comes with a simple, object orienteted API for Dockerfile creation, straight from your R session. Now on CRAN.
You can install {dockerfiler} from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
“Can you explain me what are environments in R?”
The beginning of a series of blogpost about R concepts, explained to my
Side note: no, my daughter is not five, and she’s not named Alice. And
she doesn’t speak english either ¯\(ツ)...
Well… documentation not included (of course).
API are cool. They allow to retrieve data from the web, and if ever
you’re familiar with {httr}, {jsonlite} and packages like these,
you’re able to build requests and retrieve data in a matter of
A blogpost inspired by a Stackoverflow question: “Can (a==1 && a==2 &&
a==3) ever evaluate to true?”
Yesterday I run into this topic on
about a JavaScript question a user had during a job interview.
The question is quite st...
About keeping your packages up to date.
I’ve received recently some mails and comments asking why the code in :
Collecting tweets with R and
Visualising text data with
couldn’t be reproduced.
Spoiler: t...
Having fun playing around with R documentation and HTML.
I found out today that you could easily insert html and
JS into R help
pages, as I walked into Clippy when reading the {writexl} package
So, if like me you’re curious abou...
Some random (one could say useless) benchmarks on R, serious or for fun,
and some advices to make your code run faster.
As with all microbenchmarks, these won’t affect the performance of
most code, but can be important for sp...
2018 new year resolution: writing one package a
month 🎉
Let’s launch this with {attempt}, a package which extends and
facilitates condition handling.
A Friendlier Condition Handler for R, inspired by {purrr} mappers and
based on {rlang}.
This is gonna be the last time I make this Queen reference in 2017.
I’ve been sharing some “stats with {purrr}” recipes on my Twitter
account lately. Twitter being what it is
(a source of infinite temporary content), here’s the post gathering s...
This might not be the last time I make this Queen reference.
There’s a general saying in programming that you should try to write as
less code as possible. Spoiler: this is not because developers are lazy.
On the contrary, concise code takes a ...